Cybersmart | Disinformation or Misinformation

LI: Misinformation and Disinformation – exploring the difference between misinformation and disinformation, and opening the door to the truth.

For our 3rd session of our cybersmart we learnt about disinformation and misinformation.

Misinformation is sharing information as they are excited or surprised and act quickly without stopping, thinking and checking first. For Example: They don’t know the information. False and their intention was not to do any harm. 

Disinformation is incorrect information that is intentionally created and shared. For Example: Damage the reputation of someone, to get support for something, and to make money

I think the article was disinformation because it gets support for trump to get votes and it ruins the reputation of the other future presidents.

I enjoyed this activity because I now know the 3 rules that invole when reading a text or article. Stop, Think, and Check.